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sah = "that" and aham = "I"

So'hum or rather So'ham (pronounced sohum) is an ancient Vedic mantra that when translated means "I am That" or more loosely

"I am one with the universe"
This beautiful universal mantra is chanted in rhythm with the breath, and aligns the micro with the macrocosm.

The inhalation of breath makes the subtle sound of 'So', and the exhalation of breath creating the sound 'Hum', hence 'SoHum'.

So'Hum Studios offers tailored 1-2-1 and small group classes and sessions in yoga history, philosophy, asana, pranayama, energy healing, self-enquiry/study, mythology, yoga nidra and meditation.

It is also a space for reflection and expression through essays and research papers, thought musings, poetry and art.

We create original artwork and prints using sustainable materials which you can purchase for you and your loved ones.

Our occasional musings for sustainable living via our blog Gold Dust share inspiring ideas, link you to well-being resources that you can count on, tried and tested plant-based, healthy recipes and people we love and can vouch for that we think you should know about.

Welcome to So'Hum Studios - may you be healthy, may you be happy, may you be wise :) xxx


A diminutive of the Russian name Natalia meaning “Christmas Day” or “Birthday”

So'Hum Studios was founded by Natasha, a young sādhaka/seeker, a scholar, a creative, a qualified yoga teacher (YAP TT800) and practitioner.
Natasha has been a student of Vedanta for almost two decades and practicing Yoga since 2008.

She completed a Post Graduate Diploma in The Study of Religion at the University of Oxford (2017/18),

an MA in the Religions of Asia and Africa SOAS (London, 2018/19), her thesis looked at:

The concept of nature in the Bhagavadgītā and its relevance to today’s environmental climate.

She is currently a DPhil candidate at the University of Oxford with a focus on nature, the environment and Indian Philosophy.

Natasha continues to share what she has learnt and received of philosophy, yoga practices, mythology, energy healing, art and musings through 1-2-1 classes and sessions, teacher trainings, group workshops and personalised recordings, visuals, research papers and play-writing.


With so much gratitude and reverence to the many teachers who have passed down their teachings, wisdom and tutorship - may this knowledge and practice continue to flow selflessly and in abundance to all those who seek it.

I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.
~ Tagore

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Character is formed from the repeated choice of thoughts and action.
Make the right choice – You shall have a firm and noble character."

~ Swami Chinmayanada

© 2020 SoHum Studios

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