SUMMARY: Bhaja Govindam Class 20 - 28/05/23
Chinmaya UK Study Class, Śaṅkarācārya, Swami Chinmayananda (Sw. C.)
satsaṅgatvē nissaṅgatvaṃ niḥsaṅgatvē nirmōhatvam |
nirmōhatvē niścalatattvaṃ niścalatattvē jīvanmuktiḥ || 9 ||
Through the company of the good, there arises non-attachment;
through non-attachment there arises freedom from delusion;
when there is freedom from delusion, there is the Immutable Reality;
on experiencing Immutable Reality, there comes the state of 'liberated-in-life'
Verse 9: Ladder of Fall v Ladder of Rise
Illustrating our class. This is s visual representation of the power of satsaṅga (company or attatcment to the good/truth) in leading to the ladder of rise through nissaṅgatva (non-attatchment), as opposed to the power of saṅgatva (attachment) which leads to the ladder of fall.